
Roof garden

11/23/2022 10:56:35 AM
Roof garden
Roof garden

Build a roof garden

select soil for roof garden
Soil in the roof garden is one of the things that should be carefully select ed and prepared because the soil in the roof garden has limit ations, some of which are:

1- The soil in the roof garden should have a lower specific weight

2- The soil in the roof garden should be able to absorb more water

3- Although the nutritional needs of plants in Roof Garden can be met by fertilizing, but due to the problems of changing the soil in Roof Garden, the soil in Roof Garden should have nutrients that over time, in addition to improving granulation, can meet the needs of plants. Lift to food.


Choice of materials for the roof garden
Although the construction of a roof garden has many similarities to landscaping, weight limit ation is the most important factor that causes changes in the choice of materials and even how they are implemented.


Weight division in the roof garden
Engineers of almost all buildings calculate the load on the roof for the weight of snow, about 50 kg per square meter, this calculated load can help to be used for the extra weight due to the construction of the roof garden on the building.

But the most important point is to plan the weight distribution of the roof garden elements in the right places, because the load calculated for snow is predicted uniformly on the whole roof, but the load on the roof garden is concentrated in many places.


Roof Garden pergola
Making a pavilion on the roof garn differs from building a pavilion on the ground, some of which are:

1- The wind force on the pavilion in the roof garden is more

2- There is a limit in connecting the structure to the pavilion



Roof Garden insulation
Insulation in the roof garden is one of the most important parts, which is actually a border for water to pass and not pass to the space under the roof garden. For this part, depending on the size of the roof garden, different methods and materials can be used

Plant select ion for roof garden
All costs and efforts to build a roof garden to achieve green space and planting plants, and this shows the importance of choosing plants for the roof garden. Plants used for roof garden are select ed from the same plants that are planted in the ground, with the difference that several of their characteristics should be considered, such as root growth rate, heat tolerance and direct sunlight, resistance to Equal to strong winds and…



A green wall refers to a wall that is partially or completely decorated with a special vegetation. Today, the concept of the green wall as well as its application using modern hy drop onic technology has expanded. Vegetation for the green facade of these walls is always placed on the outer body of the wall.

One of the points that should be considered in relation to the green wall is the difference between the concept of a green wall and a green facade. In fact, many people equate these two different concepts and make mistakes in using them. If we want to briefly review the difference between the two, we must say that the green wall includes plants that grow on the surface of the wall, and the structures needed for plant growth, such as soil, are considered throughout the surface of the wall. But the green facade only in the lower part of the wall has the necessary structures of the plant, such as soil, which can be inside the pot or the ground, and the creeping of the plant causes the plant to cover the entire wall. As a result, as is clear, there is a stark difference between the two concepts.

Green wall can be created in outdoor or indoor environment, which    exist s in both dependent and free forms, which are found in different sizes. In 2015, the largest green wall with an area of ​​2700 square meters in the center of the Los Cabos Convention (Los Cabos) was designed by Mexican architect Fernando Romero.

The increase of cities and the exist ing conditions in big cities have made the green wall very popular. Many green walls are built in public places and institutions, such as airports, and in addition to their aesthetic function, they also have an environmental function.



Roof garden or green roof

Roof garden or green roof refers to a roof that is covered in whole or in part by green space and is actually a lightweight engineering system that allows the plant to grow on the roof and at the same time is wasted against the sun's rays. Energy and… protects the roof.
Creating a fun and beautiful environment at a height with different views from what we normally see, in the lost space of the building that has so far seemed unused, is undoubtedly an interesting and unique idea to improve the quality of life and Also, from the point of view of structural engineering, the design of the building with a green roof or roof garden will increase the stability and proper management of torrential rains and rainwater. In a survey of mayors in several cities in Europe and the United States, the green roof or roof garden system has a lot of potential for use, and using this system in cities reduces energy costs and increases the efficiency of the environment. Also, green roofs or roof gardens add to the buildable area of ​​a project and provide new places for the indoor community, which in recent years has been considered by consulting engineers, architects and builders in our country's construction industry due to the provision of appropriate implementation solutions. Is
Negin Azin Part Company is proud to provide consulting services regarding the design of the green roof (Roof Garden) and also to provide engineering services including the preparation of exec utive plans, plans related to the appropriate infrastructure for the architectural elements in the design such as water. Facades, fireplaces, pavilions, outdoor furniture, as well as the design of a suitable water supply system according to the vegetation, as well as the installation of green roof layers and in general the implementation and supervision of the project with you.
Design and implementation of roof garden or green roof includes two stages of construction (insulation and drainage) and landscaping (implementation of green space and equipment such as pavilions, barbecues, etc.).



Our specialty is the use of new geosynthetic materials such as geomembranes, geodrine and geotextiles to accelerate, reduce costs and increase the safety of insulation, drainage and roof filtration systems as one of the most basic building components.


Tips on implementing a green roof

Green roof implementation solutions
Due to the competitive market of green roof implementation in different countries, the method of implementation and details of green roof are very diverse. But in general, green roofs consist of 6 main layers.


In order to prevent moisture from penetrating from the upper layers of the green roof, the surface on the roof should be well insulated. Green roofs can be applied with any moisture insulation and the choice of insulation does not limit us. But things like the cost of construction, the lifespan of insulation and environmental issues must be taken into account. In our country, bitumen and sack insulation and isogum insulation are the most widely used moisture insulations that are suitable for the construction of green roofs.

PVC geomembrane waterproofing:
PVC geomembrane sheet is used for roof insulation. The main advantages of using PVC sheet can be mentioned as follows:
• Mechanical strength, stability against environmental conditions
• Ease of forming shear strength and excellent elongation
• Abrasion resistance Very good resistance to permeability
• Very high welding capability Low ignition property (self-extinguishing)

Protective layer:
In order to protect the insulation of the building from damage during installation of the roof garden, as well as during fertilization or against the penetration of plant roots, it should be covered with a protective layer on the waterproofing. This protective layer can be a coating of lightweight concrete, thick plastic sheet, copper sheet or a combination of these, but it is recommended to use materials that have a lower cost and are more available in any region of the country. Be.

A layer of polyester at different temperatures that is used as a shield for geomembrane sheets.



Drainage layer:
Stop layer with a minimum thickness of 20 mm, which is placed in the protective layer and planting environment in order to store water from rain and irrigation and transfer excess water to the building's sewage system. In its simplest form, this layer is composed of a layer of soil or sand. More sophisticated systems, however, use propylene-like materials that have sponge-like properties and can hold water for long periods of time. Another common method is to use plastic sheets that are shaped like egg combs and store water in cup-like cavities and drain excess water. Also included are high-performance, high-performance recycled foam pieces from car seats. Gravels or pea sands are also suitable for use in the drainage layer, but due to their non-porosity, they do not have the ability to retain water for a long time.


Filter layer:
There is a filter between the culture medium and the drainage layer that removes moisture from the root environment and prevents root rot. At the same time, it is the separating layer of soil and drainage and acts as a filter to remove soil particles. Do not block the drain.
from the series of geosynthetics products, non-woven geotextile made of low heat polypropylene can play this role well.

Culture medium:
It is the layer in which the plant is planted and provides the conditions for the plant to grow. In the simplest case, the culture medium is a layer of fertilized soil. But in more complex types, this layer is composed of minerals such as rock wool along with nutrients for plant growth. Be select ed. Another important point is to deal with soil erosion through irrigation and rainwater. For this purpose, the desired soil can be mixed with some sand to prevent soil leaching.

In general, three spatial, social and economic factors are involved in select ing the appropriate species. Plants need to be select ed for each climate, whether the conditions are periodically very dry, very hot, very cold or very variable. The most important issue in a wide roof is the resistance range of its vegetation. Because dry conditions in most climates prevail on this type of roof. Succulents are plants that store water in their tissues for a long time, including sodum and a small number of plants of the Crassulaceae family. There are few species of sodum suitable for green roofs that have different colors and different growth patterns. In combination with moss, they are the most common plant population used on wide roofs. In parts of the world where Sodom does not exist naturally, the development of the green roof market has become a struggle between species that are adapted to the local climate and indigenous traditions.


green roof
Green roof is an lightweight engineering system that enables the growth of plants in the roof and at the same time protects the roof from the sun's rays, energy loss and..

Benefits of creating a green roof:
• Improved air quality Up to 85% of dust particles can be treated.
• Cooler temperature and more humidity through natural evaporation
• Collect 30 to 100% of annual rainfall through drainage
• Visible green roof provides a beautiful clear view.
• Reducing the need for wastewater management practices
• Reduce heating and cooling costs
• Increase the life of traditional grass-covered roofs.
• Replacing the green space where the structure is now located.



Green roofs are divided into two main categories based on the thickness of the culture medium: 1- wide green roof and 2- centralized green roof.
A- Wide green roof B- Dense green roof C- Combined green roof
A. Wide green roof:
In this type of systems, a planting layer with a thickness of 5 to 15 cm is used and due to its lightness, there is often no need to modify the structure of the building and it is more suitable for exist ing buildings. The total load on the building in the state of saturation of the culture layer with water is between 49 to 98 kg per square meter. This type of green roof requires a minimum system of maintenance facilities and therefore less cost. The biggest limit ation of wide green roofs is the low variety of plants suitable for cultivation in it because only plants can grow on this type of green roofs that have short roots and can grow in shallow soil. Among the plants used in this type of green roofs, we can mention some species of Sodom and some species of moss.

B- Concentrated green roof:
The minimum depth of the cultivation layer in this type of green roof is 30 cm and it is possible to plant any type of plant in this type of green roof. This green roof system in the state of saturation with water load adds between 300 to 700 kg per square meter to the building structure, therefore, this additional load must be considered when designing the building structure. The advantages of this type of green roof or roof garden include no restrictions in choosing the type of plant and its disadvantages include high costs of implementation and maintenance and inability to implement exist ing buildings without strengthening the building structure.

C- Hybrid green roof (combined):
Hybrid green roof (combination): A combination of two wide and concentrated roofs. It has the advantages of the two types of roofs mentioned, but it has more load capacity. At the same time, greening takes place inside wide lightweight panels.

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