

11/23/2022 10:48:00 AM

What is a Glass Fountain?

Glass water fountain is a new design of a combination of water, light and glass, which is very suitable for use in office, commercial and residential interiors. The design of this type of glass fountain is based on the movement of water flow on the glass.



Modern fountain:

Modern water fountain creates a pleasant sound of water with a combination of light, using modern decoration in a corner of your workplace or life. In designing such fountains, you will not see any leakage out of the tank. Also, the fountain tank is 100% sealed and there is no possibility of water leakage.



Traditional water fountain

This traditional fountain can be found in all the old Iranian gardens by creating streams, ponds and sometimes in a relatively low class with short fountains, so that the water flow circulates throughout the

garden and is unique in its kind. or the traditional fountain is limit ed to a pond and several fountains.



Artificial ponds

The artificial pond is designed in a regular and irregular shape, but due to its beauty, the irregular shape is used. One of the advantages of this waterfall, in addition to its attractiveness, like other waterfalls, is to soften and clean the air of the park or green space.
The construction of an artificial pond is easier than other fountains, so that a small pond can be built very quickly. So that for the construction of an artificial pond, we first implement the plan on the land according to the plan and then proceed to excavation. If the pond area is small, the excavation depth will not be large, and if the pond area is medium, excavation will be semi-deep, and if the area If the pond is high, it will turn into an artificial lake and it will become a small pond or reservoir, and the depth in some parts may be a little more or less. In any case, after excavation, the soil is pounded and covered with a layer of geomembrane or insulation layers, and after irrigation in it, different methods can be used from different lagoon and aquatic plants. In addition to the usual cleaning, special aquatic plants and plants can be used to clean artificial ponds.
Water canals can have a decorative aspect and can be designed as waterfalls and streams. In ponds, while the water is stagnant, it can also be mobile and it should be noted that the plants that are planted inside or near the pond should be in harmony with the design and decorative flowers of the area.
The most important property of aquatic plants in ponds is the production of oxygen and increasing air humidity, which plays an important role in cooling the air in the region. Plants such as water lilies and lotuses cover the surface of the water with their leaves and create shade, which in itself prevents the water from heating up in early summer. Swamp palm and mad willow along with these ponds can be used to increase beauty.



Rocky waterfall:
Such fountains are made of natural mountain rocks (carcasses, sheets, mineral pumice, etc.) and artificial rock (cement) that can be combined with each other. Rocks, rocks and mountains are one of the most attractive elements of nature that have been able to find their way into decorations. You can artificially make any stone in its natural size and enjoy watching it.

Wall fountain:
As its name suggests, this fountain and its nozzles are used on the wall, and this wall can have a decorative aspect and have a special design and idea for the fountain.

Musical fountain:
It is one of the most beautiful and dreamy fountains that has been proposed today and really enchants every viewer with its grandeur and harmony. In the musical fountain, what is important is the rhythmic movements of the water with the sound that is played and this sound makes every sound It can be like the sound of the call to prayer and the Quran, soft music or any pounding music or effects of different sounds. In the past, for this type of fountain, each music was programmed separately to match the movements of the water with the music, but in technology New programming has become more precise and general so that the movement of the water adapts properly to each of its music and there is no need for separate programming for each specific type of music. In this type of waterfall, the following should


be carefully planned:
• Ability to combine hundreds of different water modes with hundreds of different colors automatically and manually
• Smart harmony with beat, music and light (so-called dance of water and light),
• Intelligent adjustment of water pattern based on wind speed and direction,
• Intelligent debugging to reduce maintenance costs,
• Necessary predictions to eliminate the risks of electric shock
• Considering the principle of fountain exist ence and sustainable architecture in order to reduce the ambient temperature (for lighting the nozzles IP68 - use of waterproof projectors).

Glass waterfall:
Glass water fountain is a new design of a combination of water, light and glass, which is very suitable for use in office, commercial and residential interiors. The design of this type of waterfall is based on the movement of water flow on the glass


Tips on building a waterfall

1- In big cities, it is better to allocate about 25% of the total area of ​​the park or green space to water and fountains.
2- The waterfall should be built according to the environmental conditions, the topography of the land and the goals of creating a waterfall in each place, as well as the majority of the audience in terms of culture, society and age group.
3- The shape and location of the waterfall depends on the location of the land and the coordination and harmony with other factors of the garden and park or urban green space, as well as the taste and initiative of the designer.
There are different types of water fountains and fountains and their variety is great, each of them has a special application in design and some of them are as follows:
Traditional water fountain
Simple electromechanical fountain
Volumetric sculpture or structure
Suspended waterfall
Moving fountain
Water and fire fountains
Fog and water fountain
Ionized water fountain
Written font (alphabet)
Matrix fountain-subsurface-child play
Ordinary three-dimensional video fountain - 360 degrees
Musical fountain
Harmonic fountain (throwing nozzles)
Wall fountain
Water curtain fountain
Artificial pond bubble water
Tunnel fountain or water tunnel
Composite or combined fountain


Use of waterfalls in interior design

Water fountains can provide you with a sense of calm and freshness in the space of your periods. The presence of wall fountains in the living space (or patio) of the house makes you feel the presence of water in the place closest to you.
Find the right space for fountains at home. Be careful that this space is well visible and does not interfere with movement in the living space.
Built-in fountains can be part of the wall of your living space and do not occupy the interior space in any way. If you are interested in using this method to have a waterfall by changing the decoration of your home, it is better to talk to a specialist beforehand. Because it is not possible to create holes in some walls (load-bearing walls) and it will cause problems in the structure of your building.
If your living room is large and you want to create a spatial separation in it, you can use water walls or fountains that can be located in the middle of the space. This is possible only by installing water valves on the ceiling and collecting it on the floor. Of course, this work requires planning and design of water supply installation systems on the roof and floor.
Today, designers offer different and attractive ideas for using the space under the stairs. A space with low height and only occupying a part of the house can be turned into a functional space.
Modern fountains can be beautifully and easily combined with the bathroom space in the decoration of the bathroom. You can see a beautiful example of this combination in the image above.
Bringing outdoor water fountain into the house:
With a vent in the wall, you can easily have a shared fountain and pool for the interior and exterior of your home. The possibility of such a space will depend on the design of the plan and the accompaniment of the spaces in it. With this idea, outdoor design will also affect interior design.
Waterfall in office spaces:
Waterfall design is not just for residential spaces and home decoration. You spend a lot of time at work during the day and you are under pressure. One of the ways to create calm in office spaces is to bring a waterfall, the presence of water and their placement next to plants.
Use of waterfalls in the design of large building lobbies
The lobby of large buildings is the first space in which residents and visitors enter upon arrival. These lobbies usually take up a lot of space. Therefore, they provide a suitable platform to accommodate beautiful waterfalls.

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